Severe peri-implantitis; consequences, explantation and rescue cases

In most cases, dental implants have a high survival rate and a good long-term prognosis. Even so, peri-implantitis may cause substantial loss of supporting bone and dramatically reduce the prognosis of the implant. In such cases, explantation should be considered. Today, there are no clear guidelines for when an implant must be removed. The decision must be based on the possible damage the failing implant may cause to the surrounding tissue and the patient’s general health. The aesthetic and functional consequences might be substantial following explantation. The lecture will describe how these consequences may be solved by interdisciplinary collaboration.


After the lecture you will be able to:

  • identify the indications for explantation of an implant with severe periimplantitis 
  • describe some techniques available for removal of ailing implants 
  • suggest solutions for rehabilitation of patients following multiple explantations 

ITI International Team for Implantology
ITI Headquarters

Peter Merian-Weg 10
4052 Basel, Switzerland

ITI Congress Nordic | September 1-2 | 2023

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