
Prof. Dr. Julia Wittneben


Julia Wittneben is a Senior Lecturer and Research Associate in the Department of Reconstructive Dentistry and Gerodontology at the University of Bern, Switzerland. She is also part-time faculty at the Harvard School of Dental Medicine. Her degree and doctorate are from the University of Witten/Herdecke, Germany. PD Dr. Wittneben completed three-year postgraduate training in prosthodontics at Harvard School of Dental Medicine and holds a MMedSc from Harvard University, where she was also awarded the Joseph L. Henry Award recognizing excellence in research and clinical training. She obtained her PhD from ACTA, Netherlands, focusing on esthetics in implant supported prosthodontics. Julia Wittneben focuses on research related to prosthodontics, esthetics and implant therapy and is published in international peer-reviewed journals. She authored ITI Treatment Guide Volume 6, is an ITI Fellow and speaker.

ITI Congrès Suisse | Engelberg, Suisse | 20 - 21 janvier, 2023 | www.iti.org

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