
Dr. Nadja Nänni


Nadja Naenni graduated with a Master in Dental Medicine at the Center of Dental Medicine, University of Zurich, Switzerland in 2004 and received the "doctor medicinae dentium" (Dr. med. dent.) from the same University in 2005.

After a 6-year period as full-time associate in two private practices, she completed the 3-year post-graduate training in Reconstructive Dentistry at the Clinic of Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics and Dental Material Science at the University of Zurich (2011-2013), which lead to  the title of 'Specialist of Reconstructive Dentistry' from the Swiss Society of Reconstructive Dentistry (2015).

Since 2013, she is a full-time Senior Research and Teaching Assistant at the above clinic in Zurich, Switzerland (Prof. Christoph Hämmerle) and spent one year (2017) in Malmö and Gothenburg as a guest researcher (Prof Ann Wennerberg).

She is in charge of the postgraduate education programme at her clinic as well as of the synoptic student course, which aims on teaching students in treating complex prosthodontic cases. Her clinical focus lies on the treatment of complex and esthetic cases using all aspects of reconstructive dentistry. Her scientific interests lie on prosthodontics, implant dentistry and regenerative procedures.

ITI Congrès Suisse | Engelberg, Suisse | 20 - 21 janvier, 2023 | www.iti.org

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