Frauke Müller

Frauke Müller

Geneva, Switzerland
Professor and Chair, University of Geneva
ITI Fellow

Frauke Müller is Professor and Chair for Gerodontology and Removable Prosthodontics at the University Clinics of Dental Medicine at the University of Geneva, Switzerland. She received her dental degrees in Bonn, Germany and spent several years at the London Hospital Medical College, England. Professor Müller has been President of various learned societies and was a member of the ITI Board of Directors and Chair of the Leadership Development Committee from 2011-2019. She co-authored the ITI Treatment Guide volume 9 on “Implant therapy in the Geriatric Patient” and the textbook “Oral Healthcare and The Frail Elder”. In 2013 she was awarded the IADR Distinguished Scientist Award in Geriatric Oral Research, and in 2019 she received an honorary PhD from the University of Thessaloniki, Greece. Her research activity is mainly related to gerodontology, oral function as well as complete and implant prosthodontics.

Geneva, Switzerland

ITI International Team for Implantology
ITI Headquarters

Peter Merian-Weg 10
4052 Basel, Switzerland

ITI Congress Nordic | September 1-2 | 2023

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