Jenni Hjerppe

Jenni Hjerppe

Helsinki, Finland
ITI Fellow

Jenni Hjerppe graduated as a dentist from University of Oulu, Finland in 2004. She received her PhD degree from University of Turku, Finland in 2010. In her PhD work she was focusing on the influence of certain processing factors on the durability of yttrium stabilized zirconia used as dental biomaterial.

In 2013 Dr. Hjerppe graduated as a Specialist in Prosthodontics from the University of Helsinki, Finland. She was working several years as university lecturer at University of Turku and as a senior prosthodontist at the Clinic of oral and maxillofacial diseases, Helsinki University Hospital. Academic year 2019 – 2020 Dr. Hjerppe spend as an ITI Scholar at the Clinic of reconstructive dentistry, University of Zürich, Switzerland. Since then, she has been working as a resident physician in the same clinic, finalizing her second specialist degree in August 2023. Additionally, Dr. Hjerppe got her Docent title from the University of Turku in 2022.

Jenni Hjerppe has been active in ITI for several years. Currently she is the chairperson of ITI Section Finland.

Helsinki, Finland

ITI International Team for Implantology
ITI Headquarters

Peter Merian-Weg 10
4052 Basel, Switzerland

ITI Congress Nordic | September 1-2 | 2023

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